
Do you ever feel like you have no idea what to make for dinner, especially healthy meals? Many of us go to Pinterest or Google for new ideas, but wish we knew which recipes actually taste good!

Did you just start working out, or maybe you have been for a while, and feel like you need new workout routines, ideas, or inspiration? Or maybe you have fitness or health questions and you’re not sure who to ask.

How about podcasts, so many people are talking about them, but there are SO many different podcasts to choose from! Which ones are even worth your time? Same thing with books, right!?!

Do you ever wish you had more ladies in your life to ask questions, get advice, or get recommendations from?

If you can relate to any of these questions… I get it, and I got you girl! (sorry guys!)

When I first started this blog, I envisioned being a part of a community of ladies that had the same interests and goals as myself. Supportive women striving to become the best version of themselves, while inspiring and encouraging each other to do the same!

Recently I brought that vision to life. I’m so excited to announce the Ladies in Pursuit Facebook group! It’s a dedicated space for like-minded ladies who are striving to become the best version of themselves by living a happier and healthier lifestyle!

It’s a group for women to share the things they love while finding inspiration for themselves. It’s a space to find and share delicious recipes, workouts you love, must read books, motivational podcasts, inspirational quotes, and so much more!

This is a ladies’ only community, and all are welcome here! We’re excited to have a positive place to interact, learn, ask questions, and be inspired, while supporting women just like us! We encourage you to join the group by clicking the “Join Now” button below to become a part of this amazing community!
