Protein Smoothie Recipes

Protein smoothies are my new favorite meal replacement for a quick yummy healthy breakfast, lunch, or dinner and are surprisingly filling! It's as easy as throwing all the ingredients in a blender and you have a meal in less than 5 minutes. As I create new recipes for smoothies I will share them below. Protein [...]

Easy Turkey Meatloaf/Muffins

This Easy Turkey Meatloaf is a perfect weekday meal for your busy week while still being healthy and tastes delicious! By just combining a few ingredients and placing the mixture in the oven, you'll have a main course in less than an hour to serve with your favorite side dish! The same recipe can be [...]

20 Ways to Keep You on Track!

When I started my fitness journey five years ago, I learned a lot through research, a personal trainer, and trial and error. I learned about nutrition, different workouts and how to stay motivated. It can be easy to veer off track from your goals with excuses, creating obstacles for yourself, and knowing where to start. [...]

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein No Bake Cookies

These Chocolate, Peanut Butter Protein Cookies taste so delicious, you would never guess they were healthy for you! They take less than 20 mins to make and by storing them in your freezer, they're the perfect healthy snack or dessert to grab and go! INGREDIENTS 2 cups old fashioned oatmeal 1 scoop (21 grams) protein powder (vanilla, [...]